A Quick Grilled Breakfast
You've seen the breakfast casseroles I've baked on my Saffire. I decided to grill a quick breakfast just to see how it would turn out.

I started by filling my firebox with Saffire's all natural lump charcoal, grated some cheddar cheese and made sure my spices were ready to go.

Once the fire was going good at 300 degrees, I put the biscuits on my secondary cooking grid, melted a stick of butter in my handy cast iron skillet and filled it with frozen hash browns.

After 7 minutes I stirred in the cheese and seasoned the potatoes again with garlic salt and fresh ground pepper. 5 minutes after that the biscuits were finished.

The last step was to turn the hash browns and start cooking the bacon and the eggs. Doesn't it look delicious?

And there you have it. Fresh baked biscuits, grilled bacon, and fried hash browns and eggs over easy all on my Saffire grill!