BBQ Take on the Breakfast Sandwich
Invariably, after I make BBQ, there's the heavenly magic that ensues called leftovers. Now, as I'm sure many of you Pinterest fans know, there may just be no limit to the choices we have with leftovers.
While I considered BBQ Mac n Cheese last night - don't worry, I'll be sure to make it one of these days - I chose instead to explore a different staple in the morning menu, the breakfast sandwich.
I heated up my trusty cast iron skillet, and cracked an egg to fry over medium. I sliced a leftover Pillsbury biscuit in half for toasting. And I pulled the remaining spoonfulls of BBQ from my refrigerator and, yes, I'll admit it, microwaved them for a minute.
After the biscuit was toasted, I pulled 3 slices (yes 3!) of Pepper Jack cheese out of my refrigerator and layered cheese, BBQ, cheese, egg, cheese in my biscuit. I needed nothing more except of course, coffee.
The sandwich was perfect. It had the messy component that we want and expect from BBQ sandwiches. The egg yolk was just runny enough and the cheese brought everything together into a melty mass of delicious. The spice from the cheese and the smoke from the BBQ entwined in a miracle of morning tasty goodness.
A few minutes, and some coffee, and I made a sandwich far better than any I could have bought at a fast food restaurant. I can't wait to try something new! But I'm going to have to make more BBQ!