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Seared Italian Sausages

One of our favorite meals are Italian sausages with Italian pasta salad. I've written about the pasta salad before, and how I tried a reverse sear with the sausages. This time I decided to cook them over direct heat.

I fired up the grill with the torch. I can literally get it started in less than a minute if I want to with that thing. It's a godsend.

I shut the dome once flames were rising from the premium Saffire lump charcoal. Then I shut the dome and let the temperature rise to 500 degrees. I added some hickory wood chips and threw on the sausages.

They cooked for about 3-4 minutes a side. One needed a little extra love (an extra minute on the grill). I plated them and let them rest for a few minutes while Amy finished up the salad.

Once the Italian pasta salad was finished, I put a little Italian dressing on the bun, and threw on the sausage. Take a look.

Overall, I prefer the seared version. I didn't lose any juiciness and the cook time was so much shorter!

I'll be sure to post more pictures from the grill this week! Have a great one!

4/28/2016 UPDATE

I tried adding Mesquite smoke when I smoked sausages again. I really need to be more patient and run the temperature higher. They turned out juicy and took on the smoke but they shriveled a little coming off. Just have to be patient and let the grill come up to at least 450 degrees before throwing them on.

I did like the coloring though. Check it out!




Make sure you have enough charcoal. Fill your firebox all the way to where the firebox meets the fire ring.



Make sure you leave the dome up and the bottom vent open until the fire is going good.



A remote meat thermometer is your friend. I use a Maverick myself and it tracks the heat of whatever I'm cooking and my grill temperature, with an alarm to let me know if the fire gets too hot and when the meat is finished.

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